Decoding Customer Signals, Hidden Buyer Behavior & Purchase Intent

Decoding Customer Signals, Hidden Buyer Behavior & Purchase Intent
decoding customer signals

Eeegads – It’s Spring! And you may be asking yourself – how’d that happen? Still, it’s not too late to fine tune your 2022 Customer Success strategy. But it’ll take more than your near telepathic CRM to arm you with the intel you need to upgrade your Customer Success model, and power Brand loyalty. It’s the season of Singularity. Time to really focus on how to make all those moving parts function as a frictionless (well, as much as possible), integrated, homeostatic, brainy organism). Thanks Salesforce, Zoho, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Mailchimp etc. etc. and all your partner apps, AI, widgets and plugins that allow us to probe dynamic customer behavior, for their benefit and ours. But as Strikedeck points out in “How Does the Customer 360 Work?” – it takes more than a pretty face and a sexy tech stack to make a great customer relationship. And yes folks, it’s still all about the relationship. Only now, expectations are through the roof. Customers are market-savvy, have an elevated purchasing IQ, and are hyper-selective. Salesforce reports that 68% of business buyers want brands to understand their unique needs and expectations, and 86% expect a trusted advisor relationships with sales reps. To compete, your strategy to decode signals and hidden behaviors, and predict purchase intent in order to build trust will have to be downright ingenious.

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